A Primer on SQL, 3rd Edition
This book is an introduction to the basics of SQL. No prior experience with SQL is necessary, but some knowledge of working with computers in general is required.
This book uses a simple step by step approach to explain the essential relational database design modelling techniques, and shows how Oracle SQL can be used to implement a database. There are numerous practical exercises with feedback.
Accelerate your development with ORMs and find out the ‘gotchas’ included. Learn the guidelines for efficiently indexing furniture. Get expert suggestions about writing well-formed SQL inquiries. Topics covered: ORM Ideas, T-SQL Tips, Catalog Tips, Database Style Tips.
Have you ever found yourself working with a spreadsheet full of data and wishing you could make more sense of the numbers. Have you reviewed sales or operations reports, wondering if there's a better way to anticipate your customers' needs.
Microsoft SQL Server Black Book
Welcome to the world of Microsoft SQL Server! Here is finally a client/server
database product that can deliver world-class performance at a price that most
enterprises can afford not only to purchase, but also to support. SQL Server’s
ease of use, coupled with the incredible feature set that accompanies it,
delivers enterprise-level client/server computing to everyone. Microsoft SQL
Server Black Book will focus on the tasks involved in harnessing Microsoft
SQL Server’s capabilities to create a solid production data server. This book
focuses on the current release of Microsoft SQL Server while using many
techniques that can be applied as far back as version 4.21.
SQL Basics
Introduction to Introduction to Standard Query Language Standard Query Language
A database is an organized collection of data. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information. For example, modeling the availability of rooms in hotels in a way that supports finding a hotel with vacancies.
OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide: Exams 1Z0-061 and 1Z0-062
An all in one study guide prepares you for the updated Oracle Certified Associate certification Its been nearly six years since Oracle updated its cornerstone database software, making the demand for a comprehensive study guide for the OCA 12c certification a top priority.
Portable and precise, this pocket-sized guide delivers ready answers for the day-to-day administration of SQL Server. Zero in on core support and maintenance tasks using quick-reference tables, instructions, and lists. You’ll get the focused information you need to save time and get the job done whether at your desk or in the field!
Get fast facts to:
--Manage SQL Server services and clients
--Configure, manage, and tune servers
--Implement policy-based management
--Administer security and access
--Monitor server activity and tune performance
--Automate maintenance
--Perform backups and recovery
Optimize your database server to be fast, efficient, and highly secure using the brand new features of SQL Server 2014 with this book and ebook.
SQL is everywhere, and I'm not saying that because I want you to use it. It's just a fact. I bet you have some in your pocket right now. All Android Phones and iPhones have easy access to a SQL database called SQLite and many applications on your phone use it directly. It runs banks, hospitals, universities, governments, small businesses, large ones, just about every computer and every person on the planet eventually touches something running SQL. SQL is an incredibly successful and solid technology.
Optimize your database server to be fast, efficient, and highly secure using the brand new features of SQL Server 2014 with this book and ebook.
Reference - Getting Started with SQL Server 2014 Administration
OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide: Exams 1Z0-061 and 1Z0-062
An all in one study guide prepares you for the updated Oracle Certified Associate certification Its been nearly six years since Oracle updated its cornerstone database software, making the demand for a comprehensive study guide for the OCA 12c certification a top priority.
Refererence -
OCA: Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate Study Guide: Exams 1Z0-061 and 1Z0-062
SQL Server
SQL Server 2012 is Microsoft’s very first cloud-ready information platform. It provides organizations
effective tools to safeguard, unlock, and scale the power of the data, and it works across a number of devices and data sources, through desktops, phones, and tablets, in order to datacenters an both private as well as public clouds. Our purpose in Introducing Ms SQL Server 2012 is to indicate both the new and the improved capabilities because they apply to achieving mission-critical self-confidence, breakthrough insight, and using a cloud in your term.
Reference SQL Server+Downloadable PDF Book
SQL Essentials, Mark McIlroy is a online book good for beginner to intermediate level introduction of SQL commands to retrieve data from data bases and query tables. Structured Query Language (SQL) is an essential tool for database management for creating tables, inserting new data, updating existing data and deleting data. REF: SQL Query Statements+SQL Commands+Examples+PDF Book
SQL Essential has a online database and a query box. You can practice, test and learn queies on there SQL database. REF: SQL Commands Statements, Online SQL Tutorials
It is arguably also the most advanced, with a wide range of features that challenge even many closed-source databases. This database book is intended to be a practical guide to PostgreSQL v7.1.x, though most of the book should also apply to earlier and future releases of PostgreSQL.
The content is focused on getting you comfortable with PostgreSQL in the most expedient fashion possible. Although we will touch on some academic database subjects, such discussion will be kept brief. Our core focus is to provide the reader with enough of an understanding of PostgreSQL to manage a fully operational PostgreSQL database.
Our hope is that by introducing this book to the community we will provide a better understanding of PostgreSQL and its functionality.